My First Experience 4.8 (60)

Beginning of a trample fetish . . .

written by Yoboi435
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

When I was little, I loved being pressed down. I would always tease my cousins so that they would pin me on the floor. This fondness of weight being pressed on me later translated into a fetish. But when you are young, you don’t have any “sexual feelings”. It just feels good on you, like a warm shower or eating sweets. Out of pure innocence, I would do stuff that later I realized how dangerous they actually were. At that age, you don’t really seem to calculate risk into your choices all that much. But until then, nobody actually trampled me.

Every summer, we would visit my aunt’s house. She lived far away from the city, in a little village. Because of that, staying at her house for the weekend was the best option. My aunt was a lot of fun, as she was younger then my mother, but not actually young. I think at that time she was 38 years old. She was kind of tall at 6′. She played a lot of sports in her youth, so a good part of her 180 pounds were muscle.

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School Teacher – Part 2 4.1 (28)

Female teacher with a crush fetish likes stepping on a students hands and feet

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

I got attracted to her the day I saw her killing a live Scorpion under her heels. She seemed to enjoy it.  After this incident she always stepped on my foot whenever she could.

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University Life – Part 30 4.8 (20)

This entry is part 30 of 30 in the series University Life

The last chapter I have from StompedAllOver.

written by StompedAllOver
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

In the kitchen the girls smirked at me when I walked in. “Fancy some salad?”, Erin asked. “No I’m good thanks”, I replied. “Where the hell did you put the mouthwash?” “It’s hidden”, Riah said, and they both laughed. “Why don’t you want any food?” said Erin again. “I’ve lost my appetite”, I replied. “What’s the problem, you lick ass all the time”. “Yeah I know” I replied “but it’s different when you’ve just, you know, gone”. “Come on, was it really that much worse”, said Riah. “No I suppose it wasn’t”, I admitted. “Well you’re going to need to man up”, said Erin “cause I’ve never felt fresher. If you want to keep getting under my stinky feet you’re going to need to keep cleaning my stinky ass”. This caused the two of them to burst out laughing again. “Fine I replied, just don’t tell anyone about it”. “Eh… when you say don’t tell anyone you mean other than the rest of the girls right”, said Riah and again they exploded in laughter. “Seriously you already told them?” “Are you kidding, it was Leanne’s idea”, laughed Erin.

Continue reading “University Life – Part 30 4.8 (20)

University Life – Part 29 3.5 (8)

written by StompedAllOver
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

The following morning I woke up early to a headache, Erin was still sound asleep so I quietly got out of bed and walked through to the kitchen. To my surprise, Riah was already sitting there in her nightshirt drinking coffee and scanning through her phone. I filled a cup of coffee for myself and refilled her’s and sat down on the opposite side of the counter. I popped two paracetamol and chased it with a gulp of coffee. Riah looked up and said “what’s up, headache?” “Yeah, feels like someones been jumping on my head”. “Haha”, she replied, “well actions do have consequences you know”. “It was worth it”, I said, “felt awesome at the time”. Riah looked at me again and smiled, “funny that Erin was riding your cock and yet it was my boots smashing your face that felt awesome”. “Haha, I think it was the combination of the two of you that was incredible”. Riah grinned and said “every guys fantasy right, a threesome with two hot girls. You’re a lucky boy”. “Exactly” I replied. “It is quite an overwhelming feeling doing that to you”, she said, “it’s hard to explain. I mean it’s so obviously wrong but it just feels amazing, it’s like a total adrenaline rush”. “Haha that’s great, I mean I’m glad you get something out of it too, you’ll have to roll out those platform boots soon, see how it feels trampling me in those”. Riah shook her head and said “Oh my god, It would be so funny jumping on your face with them on, I can’t even imagine, a few drinks for courage and you’re head would end up as flat as a pancake”.

Continue reading “University Life – Part 29 3.5 (8)

University Life – Part 28 4.6 (11)

written by StompedAllOver
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

After about 10 minutes, I was able to sit up. Every part of me was still in agony. “So how was that for you?” Erin asked, laughing. “Brutal”, I replied. Erin got up to go and get us another beer. “What about for you guys?” Riah looked at me seriously and said, “yeah it’s fun with heels, I mean, I can see instant results, it’s cool seeing all the dents and marks the heels leave everywhere but in my head I was constantly trying to keep myself under control”. Erin was coming back in now and handed us beers. “What do you think babes, do you prefer using heels?” Riah asked. “To stomp?” She replied. “Honestly, no, it’s like bad sex its all over too quickly, I was just getting going and it’s done already.” “Yeah exactly, I mean at the end of the day I want to hurt you but I don’t want to really hurt you. Standing on your face, I was fighting the urge to start stomping and jumping. I’m way too scared to do that with these on”, she said waggling her heels. “To be honest, with heels on, it’s too easy. Just our weight combined with the stilettos is more than enough for you, especially on your head. Barefoot or trainers or my Uggs I have to put in the effort, I love that feeling of really having to work to get you to submit. I don’t know it just feels more competitive.” “Like he’s got a fighting chance”, Erin joked. “Yeah exactly. Heel’s just feel lazy haha.” “Need to try the platform boots next time”, I suggested. “Yeah that sounds like a plan”, Riah replied. “I haven’t worn those boots for about a year”.

Continue reading “University Life – Part 28 4.6 (11)

University Life – Part 27 4.6 (12)

written by StompedAllOver
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

Riah pointed at the floor and I got off the sofa onto my knees in front of her. I put my hand on the floor and said, “Can you grind my hand under your heels?” “I’m going to grind more than just your fucking hand under my heels for the ass comment a minute ago.” Riah put the platform sole of her sandal on my hand and stepped on bringing her other foot onto my fingers and started grinding back and fore. I could feel the bones in my hand grinding under her weight. I leaned forward and passionately kissed Riah’s toes. She started marching on my fingers and I was mesmerised watching her feet flexing in her shoes as she ground my hand flat. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Erin step forward and felt my other hand crush under her weight. Occasionally I would feel a heel digging into my hand but for the first few minutes my hands were mainly ground under the soles.

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Finger/Hand Trample at Movies (True) 4.8 (18)

Finger crush at the movie theatre

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

I have many experiences. This time happened about 2 years ago. The theater near me has stadium seating and there is a big enough gap between the seats in front of you to easily slip your foot through to stretch out. I usually look for couples where the woman already has her foot up (a lot of times I’m not that lucky and have to guess at who shows the most potential). I’ll sit so there is a seat between me and the armrest. When the lights go out I’ll act like I’m stretching and slide my hand over so I’m grabbing the back of the armrest with the top of my fingers pointing toward her. My favorite thing in the world is when I have my hand in place (and if she was paying attention, she would see it), THEN she puts her foot up and crushes.

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The Years Go By 4.4 (9)

First realizations of a male submissive

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

It took many years for me to get over my traditional male conditioning, to accept myself as a male submissive. The whole process began a long way back when I was about fifteen; I am still tall, and was then an athlete, and was regarded by the other youngsters and teenagers in the mixed boarding house where we lived, as their leader. It was a role I had personal doubts about, but I acted it out well enough to convince the others, I thought. But I later learned that night time conversation in the girl’s dormitory was about the unfairness of the male-run world, resentment at favouritism shown to us boys by the women who ran the place, and how girls were better than boys.

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Gina 4.9 (20)

Amazon girl doesn’t mind using her tremendous size to casually crush people and things under her shoes

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

As a child Gina had been bullied because of her height. It was not so bad when she was the tallest of the girls in her class but by the end of secondary school, she had become taller than the boys as well. Through university she was so conscious of her height that she hid away most of the time. This meant she worked hard, got a good degree but enjoyed very little of the social activities enjoyed by other students.

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Russian beauty in a self defense class 4.5 (19)

Self-defense class for women becomes a trample dream

written by Anthony
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

This true story happened about two years ago.  Milana, she’s Russian 5’10 (1.78 m) about 140lbs (63 kg) with a size 9 (40 EU) shoe. I met her online and offered her a free self defense class as I used to teach lessons being in martial arts for over 10 years.

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