Gemma’s boots 4.8 (29)

Young, attractive office mate recognizes a coworker’s boot fetish and indulges it.

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

Gemma was the newest employee in our office.  A lovely one, she was in her early 20’s with long flowing blonde hair. Not too tall, maybe 5-3 (1.60 m) with a slim figure.  I didn’t interact with her that much but whenever she was around,  she really brightened up the room.   Gemma was a ball of energy!

One thing I noticed right away about Gemma was her great choice of footwear.  She wore thin heeled boots or shoes to work virtually every day.  Nothing too crazy, it was mostly classic styles.  But always elegant and perfect for her outfit.  I think she may have liked the extra height the heels gave her since she wasn’t that tall.   In any case I tried to steal glances at her attractive shoes whenever I had the opportunity (as discreetly as possible, of course).

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Real Story – part 5 4.5 (17)

Unaware trample can become dangerous if you’re unlucky

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

Rachel started to go through her clothes while I lay there on the floor in the clothes. Jen came in holding some clothing. Her Asics trainer smashed into my face as she went to my chest. She held up the skirt and blouse and asked Rachel what she thought. She twisted and turned on my chest showing her outfit. Rachel said it looked good.

Jen spun around and missed my face as she trotted out the door. Just then Tiffany and Erica walked through the door. Tiffany was a petite Asian girl. She had on jeans and a T-shirt. I saw her boots as the first one came down on my mouth. They were ankle high boots with a smooth sole and 3 inch heel that was about an inch around and shaped like a crescent moon.  It slammed into my lips and mouth. Her sole mashed down on my throat through the clothes. She strode on hitting my stomach and thigh before she was off me.

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Real Story – part 4 4.5 (15)

this guy is truly getting the rug treatment

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

I was awoken by a key going into the lock of the door. It was to dark to see who it was until I heard Ashley’s voice “I think she’s asleep. Shh” She motioned to her friend. She crept forward and stepped with her heel on the box above my head and her sole smashed my nose flat. Ashley was still wearing some thick, lug-soled boots with a big 2inch high heel that was 3 inches around or so. I felt my face trying to fit into the tread of her boot.

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Real Story – part 3 4.8 (19)

Wow, I want a friend-girl like this !!!

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

The door opened again and Rachel walked in. “Brrr, Its cold out there, and it started snowing.” I told her I knew and about her roommate coming home and what happened. She looked mad at what her roommate had said about her, then she looked down at me. “How did you like it?” I was in the middle of telling her how much fun it was when she suddenly stepped up on my face.

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Real Story – part 2 4.7 (17)

Unaware trample fun with college girls

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

I was watching TV the next morning on my folded out futon. Jen came over and sat down on the futon groggily. “Do you have an aspirin.” I got up and got her one. She was wearing her sweats and a T-shirt and socks; her hair was still messed up from sleeping. “Man I got wasted last night.” She said. “I don’t even remember coming home or anything after we left the party.” I lay back down behind Jen and she leaned back on me. Val came over a little later and helped herself to some aspirin and sat down next to Jen. They always came over and chilled because they weren’t roommates and I had a good TV so they would come over and sit down if the futon was up or like now when it was down they would sit down and lean on me.

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Real story (mostly) – part 1 4.6 (33)

The old “backwalk” trick works again !

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

I was living in the dorm of ISU. On my floor the stairway opened up onto a lounge with 3 rooms off either side of the lounge. This floor was coed so 1 side was women and one side was men. I made friends with 3 of the girls that lived across the way.

Jen and Val were both very cute petite blonde girls. Always bubbly and cheerful. Rachel was a brunette, about 5’7” and weighed maybe 110 lbs. Jen and Val both weighed less than a hundred. I had used the back walking trick as much as I could over the semester. They were very used to me asking them to walk on my back to “crack” it. They never knew how much I really enjoyed it and that I wished they would walk on the front too, or so I thought.

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Newspaper girl trample 3.3 (13)

short but true unknowing trample

written by trampleme
original source of the story was Unknown source

I lived in a apartment complex in Minneapolis about 20 years ago & it was at least 10 storys tall.  I have always been a night owl & used to sit up late & sit outside on the lawn. I noticed a very attractive female who if I ventured a guess I’d have to say she was about 18 & at the time I was about 18. She was about 5’5′ 115 lbs long blond hair & wore tennis shoes. She always seemed to be delivering something early in the morning to this apartment complex & after watching for weeks I came to realize she was delivering newspapers.

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Judo und Fußball – Teil 1 4.9 (16)

Story submitted in German & also translated into English using Google. Describes a special judo “training” method that our hero uses to his own advantage.

written by Goalkeeper62
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

Die Geschichte ist schon eine geraume Zeit her, denn ich war damals 14 oder 15 Jahre alt. Es war wieder einmal ein Trainingsabend meines Fußballvereins, auf den ich mich wie immer sehr freute. Allerdings sollte er heute Abend ein wenig anders verlaufen, als es sonst immer der Fall war.

Durchgefroren vom nasskalten Novemberwetter kam ich in unserer Schule an wo sich eine Aula und eine Turnhalle befanden. In der Aula gaben unsere Judokas immer ihr Bestes und in der dahinter liegenden Halle waren wir Fußballer angesiedelt.

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First attempt at using ChatGPT 3.7 (14)

Is this the future of porn ???

written by ChatGPT
original source of the story was Submitted by a visitor

Used careful prompts to avoid content warnings. Copied and pasted without alteration. After each 2-3 paragraph, GPT is given a 1 sentence instruction for the next story part.

Tell me what you think !

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Stranger trample 3.8 (15)

All it takes is loads of courage to ask women who are total strangers to step on you . . .

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

On New Years Day a few years ago I went to the supermarket. I spotted a very attractive blonde in her early thirties. She was about 5’5″, slim, wearing a sleeveless top and multi-coloured (tight) shorts.
She had a great body and was wearing black leather open-toed platform pumps, which immediately captured my attention.

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