Reading pad on the balcony 3.6 (16)

His face is a footrest for wife’s bare, stinky feet

written by Trampling Queen
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

Last afternoon, the weather was pleasant and warm. My wife decided to enjoy the sun on our balcony, sitting with a book in a folding chair. She wanted to keep her feet off the hard floor, and she asked me to lie down on the floor below her. I complied and waited for her to place her feet on me.

She opened her book and lifted her feet onto me. Her right foot landed on my cheek, and her left foot rested on my chest, just below my neck. It was a hot day, and she had been shopping in town with her friends earlier. She had only recently removed her shoes, which were All-Star Converse, and her feet were sweaty and slightly dirty. But she didn’t mind, and I had to turn my face away from the sole of her right foot before it could settle on my left cheek.

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The Lucky Intern 4.6 (29)

Shoe sniffing law student gets found out

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

Some years ago, when I was a third year law student in a major city, I had an internship with a state court. My direct supervisor was a woman named Ann who was a Harvard Law Grad. She was new to the position as a Judge’s Clerk. For those who are not familiar with the legal profession, judicial clerkships are highly sought after, very competitive and usually go to those who are politically connected, valedictorians or chief editors of the law review. The Clerks research and write the opinions for the judges.

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Special rug – Part II 4.9 (12)

More tales from the kinky marriage

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

Jim tried to smile but he was too busy panting and trying to recover the
breath so casually robbed from him. “Well, ta ta, honey. Mustn’t dawdle
any longer. I’m going to put the car in the garage tonight, so be ready in
the kitchen pit when I return,” she said, then turned on his lungs,
grinding the grip pattern of her soles into his skin. He cried out this
time and she turned at the door. “Save your breath, honey. You’re going
to need it later.

Continue reading “Special rug – Part II 4.9 (12)

Special rug – Part 1 4.7 (11)

Excerpts from a kinky marriage

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

Alexis and Jim were happily married, though certainly not in a “normal”
sense by any stretch of the imagination. Their unique relationship was, in
fact, based on a very unusual reversal of roles in which she was the
dominant partner and he was, most definitely, the passive agent.

Although many modern marriages operate smoothly on a reversal of
traditional male/female roles, theirs carried the still somewhat unusual
and sluggish trend a step further (and I use the term “step” with tongue
firmly entrenched in cheek!) To Alexis and Jim, however, the close
relationship they enjoyed didn’t seem bizarre or even particularly unusual.
They would have conceded that it was “special” and indeed often called it
just that, but they would never have admitted that it was perverse, though
they were fully aware most people think it not only perverse, but downright
weird. Although, at first, their special way of relating to each other had
seemed a little strange to Alexis, as time passed and she began to enjoy
and even relish her new role, what was once odd quickly – surprisingly
quickly became accepted as normal and everyday.

Continue reading “Special rug – Part 1 4.7 (11)

A somewhat different way of surfing 4.4 (18)

Man becomes a footrest for his wife’s bare feet while she browses the internet

written by Trampling Queen
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

My wife spends a lot of time on the computer, mostly surfing the web and reading e-mails. She particularly enjoys discussing several topics in web forums and online chats.

One evening, she was sitting in front of her computer and surfing the web. I watched TV, but there was nothing that interested me. So, a little bored, I watched her surfing and how she moved her bare feet.

Just wondering if I should make myself useful and give her a good place to put her feet on. But I didn’t dare because she didn’t want to get disturbed when working on her computer.

Continue reading “A somewhat different way of surfing 4.4 (18)

Real Story – part 5 4.5 (17)

Unaware trample can become dangerous if you’re unlucky

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

Rachel started to go through her clothes while I lay there on the floor in the clothes. Jen came in holding some clothing. Her Asics trainer smashed into my face as she went to my chest. She held up the skirt and blouse and asked Rachel what she thought. She twisted and turned on my chest showing her outfit. Rachel said it looked good.

Jen spun around and missed my face as she trotted out the door. Just then Tiffany and Erica walked through the door. Tiffany was a petite Asian girl. She had on jeans and a T-shirt. I saw her boots as the first one came down on my mouth. They were ankle high boots with a smooth sole and 3 inch heel that was about an inch around and shaped like a crescent moon.  It slammed into my lips and mouth. Her sole mashed down on my throat through the clothes. She strode on hitting my stomach and thigh before she was off me.

Continue reading “Real Story – part 5 4.5 (17)

Face crush under the table 4.6 (94)

Curiosity about a mannequin head leads to trouble for a young boy

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

This incident happened when I was 9 years old.  It’s an absolutely true story and the main reason why I developed my addiction to women’s shoes and trampling.

My aunt and I went to a country house to visit her two friends, Jessica and Margot.  All were attractive women in their 30’s who were dressed up quite nicely for each other (including high heeled shoes).

Several hours went into preparing for dinner, drinking wine and a couple of cigarette breaks by the women outside.  By 10 pm the meal was complete and the table was covered with a tablecloth and various dishes. While we were having dinner and while the food was delicious, I had to listen to their boring stories, mostly about men.

During the conversation, Margot said: “Oh, I hit something with my foot” and lifted the tablecloth to look at it. Everybody, including me, looked under the table. “Oh my God, it’s a head!” said Margot.

“Don’t be scared”, Jessica said, “it’s from a mannequin. The previous owner of this place was a professor who taught at the regional  medical school so it has been in this house for a long time.  I just haven’t gotten around to throwing it away yet.”  “You can use it as a footstool if you want because I do from time to time.  I like to pretend it’s my ex-husband’s head.  That’s why I like to wear heels when I do !” Jessica joked and all the women laughed.

Continue reading “Face crush under the table 4.6 (94)

Dominant trample 4.3 (26)

Curvy young girl steps on a guys face while having sex with her husband

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

I met Melanie online and chatted with her over the course of several weeks. With the cloak of internet anonymity I was able to be very honest about my trample fetish. She said she had many fetishes but one in particular she didn’t want to talk about just yet. She did ask about me and what I would be willing to do. Could she step on me ? Say mean things to me ? Was I into role play ? She seemed particularly interested if I would agree to clean her shoes, which I happily said “yes” to.

We seemed like a good match so the decision was made to meet in person.  Melanie lived about a half hour away from me by train in a slightly more posh London neighborhood.   All in all I was curious about her questions and was looking forward to getting together.

Continue reading “Dominant trample 4.3 (26)

My wife nearly crushed my skull! 4.2 (16)

A man’s face endures serious punishment under his wife’s bare feet

written by hoofprint
original source of the story was Unknown source

This past Sunday night, my wonderful wife indulged me in my weekly barefoot face trample. As usual, she tied me up very thoroughly. This is at my request by the way. This is something that has been going on for quite some time between myself and her. But anyhow, she used to be very gentle when I could coax and bug her enough to do it. That ain’t the case anymore!

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Bus Ride Footrest 4.4 (19)

a man’s face ends up as an unknowing footrest for the filthy boots of a beautiful young woman

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

This is a true story, and my greatest experience of this type ever. I was on a Greyhound bus from Boston to New York one Thursday night in February 1996. It was night time, rainy and the scattered people on the bus were reading or taking naps.

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