Under My Feet (true story) 4.9 (24)

Trampling session from the female’s perspective

written by Valerie Sonn
original source of the story was Unknown source

I had a true experience recently that I would like to share.

I was in a slightly grumpy mood the other day, probably from sitting too much and spending too much time on the Internet 😉 Around 10 p.m., I was in the kitchen looking for something good to eat, when my husband – my “subby hubby,” Hiro – got home from work. I mentioned that I was feeling cranky, and he told me that I should do something physical to reduce stress … now there was an idea!

“Sounds like a plan,” I told him with a smile as I took his hand and pulled him out of the chair. I led him to the bedroom and told him “Take off your clothes.” I unrolled our squishing mat, put a couple of towels on it (you’ll find out why soon), and removed my shoes and socks.

Continue reading “Under My Feet (true story) 4.9 (24)

The Ultimate Revenge 3.4 (23)

The author wrote a short story about workplace domination by the female manager

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

Chapter One – A New Boss

Tyler used to be one of the most powerful businessmen in the city. He was arrogant, rude, cocky and dishonest. He had dated one of the most beautiful women in the world – Danielle Hilton, herself the sole heiress to a fortune in the hundreds of millions, but that wasn’t enough for him. He cheated on her, numerous times and with different women. Of course, she eventually found out and split up with him, feeling humiliated but also rightfully outraged by his behaviour. Continue reading “The Ultimate Revenge 3.4 (23)

A Normal Day 4.3 (24)

The author wrote an interesting introduction to some other society in some other world

written by Underneath
original source of the story was Unknown source

Kate pushed the door open whilst chatting on her mobile with Steph. She paused as normal on the upturned face as its tongue slid over the soles of her favourite black work heels. If she’d looked down she may have noticed that it was almost unrecognisable, a flattened mess of heel marks around a long-since pulverised nose. It would need to be replaced soon. But she didn’t look down, she merely paused whilst it did its work, laughing at Steph’s latest story. She kicked off her shoes and strode into the living room, walking full weight over another of the faces in the floor. The smooth bare skin of her heel split its lip before her weight spread to engulf it completely. She didn’t even notice the tongue dart out to lick her instep, why would she pay any attention to something so normal? Continue reading “A Normal Day 4.3 (24)

The Birthday Present 4.6 (26)

Another one of the excellent classic stories restored

written by Bcarpit
original source of the story was Mistress Destiny's Femdom Forums

First time published on May 13th, 2002

The sound of footsteps from the floor above echoed loudly in the darkness. It aroused Bills’ senses as he lay bound on the cold basement floor. His arms and legs were filled with a dull ache, as it had been almost 4 1/2 hours since Janice had left him tied up there this morning. Janice wanted to do something special for Bill on his birthday as it was his 35th and their first together. She asked him what would make the perfect present. Bill was eager to offer his suggestion. Janice was taken aback at first, but when she saw how excited Bill became as they discussed it, she became determined to make it all he wanted and more. Continue reading “The Birthday Present 4.6 (26)

The Special Rug 4.8 (22)

An excellent, old story about a femdom marriage filled with trampling

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

Alexis and Jim were happily married, though certainly not in a “normal”
sense by any stretch of the imagination. Their unique relationship was, in
fact, based on a very unusual reversal of roles in which she was the dominant partner and he was, most definitely, the passive agent. Although many modern marriages operate smoothly on a reversal of traditional male/female roles, theirs carried the still somewhat unusual and sluggish trend a step further (and I use the term “step” with tongue firmly entrenched in cheek!) To Alexis and Jim, however, the close relationship they enjoyed didn’t seem bizarre or even particularly unusual. Continue reading “The Special Rug 4.8 (22)

Substitute Teacher Part 3 4.7 (20)

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Substitute Teacher

The new job adventures continue

written by trampleme
original source of the story was Unknown source

As I inched toward her shoe, I could smell the scent of her feet. She had those heels on all day and the aroma was a sweet, yet salty, vinegary-like smell, with a hint of leather. I was totally aroused. I began to kiss her shoes all over with passion. She was amused by this and said, “That’s a good sub. Kiss them all over.” I started to lick a little as I kissed her shoes. I rubbed my nose across her nylons as I licked and man was the smell awesome. She said, “OK sub, roll over on your back.” “Yes, Principal Dawn,” I said with a strange look on my face. “Now, you must clean the soles of my high heels.” I thought, OK great. But then, she stepped up on my stomach and I could hardly breathe. “You weren’t ready for that, sub, but you better get used to it because this is how you will greet everyone in this school from here on out.” Man, her heels were piercing into my flesh and the pain was immense. But, I think I can handle it. She doesn’t weigh that much. Continue reading “Substitute Teacher Part 3 4.7 (20)

Substitute Teacher Part 2 4.5 (11)

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Substitute Teacher

Adventures of the substitute teacher continue

written by trampleme
original source of the story was Unknown source

So, what was I going to do? If I don’t do as she says, she’s going to report me to the principal and I’ll lose my job. And besides, I’m enjoying this anyhow, so what the hell. I start licking her soles. This time I’m really getting into it. I can feel the grit off her soles sticking to my tongue each time I lick them. This is awesome. And she’s really liking it too because now she moves her shoe off my chest and places it on my cock and starts to pump it with her heel. Oh, man
 what a dream
 I can’t believe this is really happening. I’m getting really hard, so I start licking her soles all over faster and harder. She grinds her sole harder into my face and pumps my cock faster. I’m about to explode. This is awesome. Why did I ever wait so long to try this? She places her hand under her skirt and starts to get herself all worked up. Oh my
. Oh my
 I can’t hold it much longer. I’m about to cum all in my pants. Continue reading “Substitute Teacher Part 2 4.5 (11)

Substitute Teacher Part 1 4.7 (15)

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Substitute Teacher

A substitute teacher starts a job in a very special school

written by trampleme
original source of the story was Unknown source

I had just graduated college with a BS in Education and was looking for a job to start paying off my college loans. I was searching the ads and found an ad: “Part-time / Full-time sub needed for H.S., call 555-1234 to set up an interview.” “Perfect,” I thought to myself. So I called the number and set up an interview for the next day. Continue reading “Substitute Teacher Part 1 4.7 (15)

Wedding Surprise Part 1 4.4 (11)

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Wedding Surprise

The wedding night turns out differently than expected

written by paragon
original source of the story was Mistress Destiny's Femdom Forums

Dan was getting married. He was very happy and excited to finally be tying the knot with his long-time fiancĂ©e Vivian. Dan and Vivian met through a mutual friend and hit it off right away. They have been together for almost four years and have been very happy since the beginning. Dan was also very lucky to have a woman with whom he could confide his foot and trample fetish, and, she was understanding and willing to experiment. Dan was, at this moment, the luckiest man in the world. He didn’t know it could, and would, get better. Continue reading “Wedding Surprise Part 1 4.4 (11)

University Life Part 21 4.6 (19)

This entry is part 21 of 30 in the series University Life

In this part Rod gets some time under high heel stilettos

written by StompedAllOver
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

The girls left for the club after dinner and I sat doing some coursework for the following week. As the evening passed the pain in my head kept getting worse and worse. They had really done a number on me and looking in the mirror the area round the treadmarks on my face was very bruised. Feeling inside my mouth I could feel the imprints of Erin’s boot treads where she had totally flattened my flesh. Continue reading “University Life Part 21 4.6 (19)