Lucy and Karen 6 min read

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source


This experience is one that I will never forget.

I had a crush on this girl called Lucy at the time and I was with her and her friend Karen at the time. Lucy and Karen were both 18 at the time, I was then 19. , Lucy is about 5.10 and weighed 140 lbs (1.78m, 63 kg), she is blonde and very good looking. Karen was shorter at about 5.4 and weighed about 155-160 (1.62m, 72 kg) so a little chunkier.

We walked down the park and were waiting for a friend of theirs called Laura, this was about 21.00 and it was getting dark. Lucy and Karen were both wearing platforms. Anyway we had been waiting for about 10 mins and she still hadn’t turned up so I decided to lie down, because I was bored and also for the obvious reason. I wasn’t down their long until Lucy walked over and placed her foot on my Stomach, and looked down at me and said, “I would be careful down there, you could possibly be stepped on”. I then said “Good then” Lucy then looked at me and said that she wouldn’t stand on me because it would hurt me as she was wearing platforms. I then told her it didn’t matter and I could hold her weight and Karen’s for 5 mins. She was not having any of it; she told me that there is no way I could hold that sort of weight for that long. I then had the idea of betting with her. I said ” I bet you that I could hold that weight for that long. I think then she realised I was being serious, and she then called Karen over. They went around the corner for a little while, then came back, and said they would try it. I think they thought I would be an easy win.

Well then Lucy came up to me and placed her right foot on my stomach and she then slowly applied weight. I could feel my stomach compressing with her weight and then she placed her other foot on. I was in heaven; I had a girl who I have had a crush on for ages standing on me. At that moment, Karen then placed her right foot on my stomach. Lucy had to move up onto my rib cage and Karen started to apply her weight. The pressure was mounting, until they were both on top of me. I was a hard floor and it didn’t take long before I started to feel it. However, the girls couldn’t keep their balance and kept falling off. They then both after a while stepped down. I then said well is that a tenner you owe me then. We could then hear footsteps and we looked behind us and we saw Laura and she had her friend Holly with her.

Lucy then called them over and asked them to help them keep balanced. Karen then explained what the bet was and the other two agreed to help. This got me excited, I was looking forward to being crushed by Lucy and Karen.

All the girls went around the corner and had a little chat about how they were going to do this. Then they all came back and asked me to lie in a different position with my hands stretched back behind my head and my legs together. I agreed with their commands. While laying in this new position I felt my fingers being stepped on, I looked back and saw holly standing there looking at me. I then had Laura sitting on my Legs. I couldn’t move my legs and arms were well and truly trapped. I then saw Lucy and Karen looking down at me and I then remember the girls taking their shoes off and Lucy jumping onto Karen’s back, so Karen was holding Lucy in a piggyback. With that Karen placed her foot on my stomach and started to apply weight. The weight was intense mounting quickly, until they were both on top of me. The pain was intense all there weight on just two feet was very painful. I was still determined though.

Karen and Lucy were being held up by Holly and Laura, they were helping balance them. The pain was getting worse. Holly was counting and I remember hearing her say halfway there. At that point was in a lot of pain, Karen was holding the whole of the two girl’s weight on one foot and it was incredibly painful. I then remember Holly saying 4 mins. I knew I was almost there and was going to make my tenner. My face was going a dark purple apparently from the weight and Karen laughed a few times about it. Karen didn’t care how much pain I was in; she just wanted her share of the money.

Lucy on the other hand was getting very worried. She said we better get off him Karen, we could really hurt him. I can remember seeing Lucy’s concerned face looking down at me, I was in terrible pain. Holly then said 30 seconds left. With that, Karen started to move her way up to my rib cage, and right above my head. I then remember feeling Karen’s foot touch my neck. I couldn’t do anything about it. I can remember Lucy screaming to Karen not to do it with that I felt the weight leaving one foot and onto the other. The weight on my neck was enough for me not to be able to breathe and the weight was still moving. Lucy was still screaming at Karen to move off my neck, I can still remember her saying were going to kill him If you don’t move.

Lucy started to kick her to try and get her off but couldn’t as Karen was too strong, she didn’t want to lose the bet. The full weight was on there an I couldn’t take it anymore I tried to tell them but nothing would come out, I couldn’t talk or breath and could feel my self losing consciousness, at that moment my face had gone a very dark blue according to Holly. Nevertheless, Karen still kept her weight on there I was In the worst pain I had ever been in. I was completely trapped by four good-looking women and was being tortured. There was absolutely noting I could do to escape. At that moment, the weight was then taken off. I had completed the challenge. I stayed on the ground choking for the next 5 mins. I was then able to stand up. Lucy gave me a big hug and asked if I was ok. I told her I wasn’t too bad. Which was a complete lie as I was in terrible pain?

For the next week, I had terrible bruises all over me and I couldn’t talk correctly without considerable discomfort.

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