That time that I desensitized a girl to trampling stuff. 3.6 (10)

How to train a girl to trample on your things

written by Anonymous author
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

During my last high school year, I chose to sit in front of a beautiful girl. She was short and always wore sneakers, and that’s something I personally liked very much. The reason I chose this seat, was the fact that I would be able to, throughout the entire year, have her unknowingly trample stuff. Now, I knew that she had very sensitive feet as I had tried something with her a couple times before, so I did not expect to have that much success, but why not try it anyway?

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Aunt Car Crush 4.1 (19)

Serious injuries from a car crush episode

written by Yoboi435
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

Do you remember my Aunt from my first experience? After that time she trampled me without knowing, I thought how much I could do without her noticing. One of the things I liked about her was her big pickup truck. It had very big tires and seemed pretty heavy. When she would leave for work (sometimes she has to let me stay alone at home) she would obviously drive to work. I would hide at the gate and place items under her car. My toy cars were her first victims. They would get flattened. Then my sister’s dolls. The ones with hard faces would actually pop and shatter. But she never cared.

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Story made by chatgpt 4.7 (12)

Two barefoot girls and a bet about trampling

written by Anonymous author
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

So, I’m sitting there in P.E. class, watching Coach discuss some weird flexing-your-abs-while-people-stand-on-you thing. He’s rambling on about core strength, balance, all that.

I lean over to grab my water bottle and say to myself, “I could do that no problem.” Didn’t think anyone heard me, but of course, two girls sitting nearby—Megan and Lisa, I think—totally catch it.

Megan raises an eyebrow. “Oh yeah? You think you could handle that?”

“Definitely,” I shrug. “I’ve got this.”

Lisa smirks and nudges Megan. “Wanna bet on it?”

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Chatgpt story – part2 4.9 (11)

The trampling bet continues with Uggs and some violent jumping

written by Anonymous author
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

Megan looks down at me, tapping her foot lightly in those Uggs, like she’s deciding what to do next. “So, should I step on his face again or be nice and just go for the stomach?” She asks Lisa this in the most casual way, like I’m not even there.

Lisa laughs and shrugs. “Go easy, I guess. Stomach’s fine.”

Without hesitation, Megan walks around my head, her leggings brushing past my vision as she makes her way to my stomach. I watch as her boots hover for a second before she steps up, like it’s the most normal thing in the world. The weight of her Uggs sinks in, pressing down on my core, and I can feel the strain.

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My blonde Aunt 4.8 (22)

Big footed giantess crushes a little guy while sleepwalking

written by Yoboi435
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

I have already told you about my first experience with my one aunt. But I had some others aunts I also wanted to experiment with. This one also lived in a village, but a different one. My mum would let me stay at her place, alone with her. Every night, I would sneak out of my room and get into hers. I would slowly open the door, come in and get to her bed. There I would open the sheets and there they were. Her big feet. I would rub my face in them and smell them. For some reason she never actually noticed me doing that to her feet.

My aunt Annie was 5’9”, and had size 9 feet. Not that big and tall but the right size for me. I think her foot probably could cover my face and neck. I could really get my face into them.

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Lola’s only time she stepped on me. 3.6 (10)

Tiny woman cooperates in flip flop (thongs) trample

written by Anonymous author
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

A few weeks after the heavenly experience when Mimmi so nicely stepped around on me, I was down with them again. Neither Nina nor Mimmi were home, which I knew about. I still had two pairs of flip-flops with me in the car in case they made it home.

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Nina flip-flops trampling 3.7 (7)

Another pleasant flip flops (thongs) experience

written by Anonymous author
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

This happened a long time ago. Mimmi’s older sister was getting her driver’s license. In a weak moment, I had promised her to practice driving. They only had one big Ford Transit, while I owned a Saab 900 turbo 16 Aero. I picked up Nina at the train station before she drove for a turn.

After an hour we stopped at my place. I had prepared to get her to step on me, which she had done many times before. I had gotten hold of a pair of absolutely wonderful flip-flops with super soft soles. Nina had not worn such flip-flops before. To my disappointment, she was negative about using them, so I had to struggle before she pulled off her socks.

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The earpod destroyer 3.8 (12)

Girlfriend doesn’t notice earpods under her boots. Or does she . . .

written by Percolator
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

I had a girlfriend who, while always almost instantly noticed everything that was under her feet (and I tried various clothes, pencils etc), for some reason, would not care at all when it was earphones. And I had a lot of pairs, as I like listening to music while walking, so I go through them fast.

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We want your stories! 5 (2)

written by PleaseStepOnMe
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

This site is run by trample enthusiasts for trample enthusiasts.  The more stories we can share, the more fun it is for all of us.  So please consider sharing a story or two of your past so that others can enjoy it as well.  Leave it as a comment in this thread and it can be published anonymously.

All of the stories for the latest update were user-contributed !

True experiences always get the most upvotes, no matter how mild they might have been.  Also it’s best if everyone in the story is over 18 years of age.

So if you enjoy reading material here, please take a few minutes and contribute something from your past.

Site Administrator

Under Janet again 4.9 (17)

Continuation of the Janet story. Play time with the Amazon woman leads to a hospital trip.

written by Yoboi435
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

by Yoboi435

It’s Wednesday. I come home from another boring day of school. But as I arrive, I realize today Janet is going to help with my homework. I get excited and prepare everything.

It starts raining. The door rings. Janet comes in and hugs me. I get a bit wet. “Oh sorry, yeah it suddenly started raining really bad.” I don’t mind. Her socks were a bit wet too. She sit down at the kitchen table and she starts to teach me and help me with my english homework. She is actually really good and I start to get better. Afterwards, we had time to also work on the history homework.  And maybe something else . . .

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