We want your stories! 1 min read

written by PleaseStepOnMe
original source of the story was Submitted by the author


This site is run by trample enthusiasts for trample enthusiasts.  The more stories we can share, the more fun it is for all of us.  So please consider sharing a story or two of your past so that others can enjoy it as well.  Leave it as a comment in this thread and it can be published anonymously.

All of the stories for the latest update were user-contributed !

True experiences always get the most upvotes, no matter how mild they might have been.  Also it’s best if everyone in the story is over 18 years of age.

So if you enjoy reading material here, please take a few minutes and contribute something from your past.

Site Administrator

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29 thoughts on “We want your stories! 1 min read

        1. Submit the stories as a comment and I will post it on the site.

          True experiences usually score higher than fiction.

          Anything other than trample / crush will be edited out of the stories (such as graphic sex scenes, blowjobs, etc).

          Site Administrator

          1. I noticed stories are being posted as from anonymous authors, including my own, even though their alias’ are known. Is there a reason for that?

          2. The default is to post from anonymous author to protect the author’s identity. Not everyone wants to be “outed”.

            Some people do ask to be published under their name, which we will do. But only when it is requested.


  1. If wanting to share, is it required to be real or can be fictional?

    If so, how can I send/upload the story?

    1. >>If wanting to share, is it required to be real or can be fictional?

      Stories can be fictional or real experiences. However real experiences tend to get higher ratings.

      >>If so, how can I send/upload the story?

      Just post your story as a comment and I will upload it. You won’t see it until I mark the comment as “posted”.


      I’m holding off adding a few of the new stories until November for that month’s update.

      Site Admin

  2. Hi, send several stories some time ago per mail due to formatting issues here in comments. Did you receive them as I dont see them posted?
    best regards, Trampling Queen

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