The author writes about his sudden and unexpected trample experience with the afternoon shift of a goth store in a local mall.
I was walking through the mall, something I like to do at least once a week. I like to visit the Barnes and Noble bookstore to drink coffee and they let me read magazines for free. I like to look at women. I stop in the novelty shops and read all the latest T-shirts.
I was stopped in the Hot Topic. It’s a Goth place that carries a lot of cool T-shirts. Whenever I go in there they come over and offer me assistance. I guess they think I must be lost if I’m in there. I just like to look around in there. If I’d had money when I was young and Hot Topic had been around then, I might have been a Goth. If I tried these days, I’d just look creepy. I’m too young to be the butler from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, and I’m too old for everything else.
Anyway, I’m checking the place out, reading the t-shirts, and looking at the vampire stuff, the chains, and stuff. They had some actual record players, some witless techie types are trying to bring back analog.
Then I saw the boots. I love Goth footwear. Whether it’s Keds, Converse chucks, or knee-high boots, I just love the Goth footwear.
Just then one of the shop girls comes over to help me out.
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