White sneakers 4.6 (49)

‘Truth or Dare’ with a slim, pretty cousin turns into a merciless trampling !

written by Matador
original source of the story was Unknown source

I was 19 years old when I experienced my first trampling by shoes. I usually had females trample me bare feet but this time something different and unexpected happened which changed many things.

I have a cousin. Her name is ‘Sogand’. She is as old as I am. She is an average size girl , I guess she was 120 lb (55 kg) that time and 170 cm tall (5-7), she was slender and in shape . I had a crush on her since the dawn of time lol . Her beauty was undeniable, white skin , long brown hair , black eyes , and beautiful feet with polished toes . These types of girls can make anybody go crazy.

Continue reading “White sneakers 4.6 (49)

My first head trampling 4.3 (38)

Amazon girl tramples a guy’s head until he passes out

written by Matador
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

About 10 years ago , we had a neighbor living in the house next to us , I was almost 16 years old those days. Our neighbor’s name was Sarah, she was a girl with a solid body with long black hair , strong legs , round ass, and white skin. Her weight was about 70  (155 lbs) and her height 170 cm (5-7) , which could make me think twice before asking her to trample me .

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A Friend Indeed – Part 3 4.9 (30)

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series A Friend Indeed

Amazon friend joins in on the fun

written by Vertago
original source of the story was FootTales

Tina and I had been doing our saturday night thing almost every week now. Each time she’d try and outdo the week before. She said she was getting me into shape for a real challenge. I assumed she meant her & her amazon friend Cindy.

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A Friend Indeed – Part 2 4.8 (21)

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series A Friend Indeed

Amazing story of barefoot trampling & face sitting under a cute, petite girl

written by Vertago
original source of the story was FootTales


The next afternoon Tina called me at home and asked me what I was doing that evening. I told her I had planned on just staying at home, due to the snow storm that started earlier. Tina asked if she could come over after work. I told her sure , we can watch some movies or something. She said great ,I really didn’t want to go out in this weather either.

Continue reading “A Friend Indeed – Part 2 4.8 (21)

A Friend Indeed – Part 1 4.8 (21)

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series A Friend Indeed

guy gets his best friend to give him a barefoot backwalk

written by Vertago
original source of the story was FootTales


I had this friend we’ll call “Tina ” she worked at a local bookstore. I would stop in to see her on occasion , and take her out for a drink after work . We’d been friends for years, she was kinda like a sister to me.

One friday night I stopped in just before closing time. Tina was behind the counter doing the receipts, she said hello and asked me to lock the door for her.  I did which was nothing unusual, I often waited for her inside and did a few things to help her out. I sat in a chair that was out in front if the register, there is also a sofa there too. I guess it’s so people can sit down to checkout the books their buying.

Tina asked what I felt like doing? I said it didn’t matter to me, but we’d have to go somewhere i could sit cause my back was a little out of whack. I’d always wanted to get Tina to trample me, but thought it would be awkward seeing as how I’d known her for years. my back really was out so I figured what the hell. I waited for her to lock the safe and come around the counter. Tina said how’d you hurt your back . I said moving a filing cabinet. Then I said will you try to crack my back for me.

Continue reading “A Friend Indeed – Part 1 4.8 (21)

Contribute Your Own Stories ! 4.8 (8)

In the comments please leave a trample story that you have experienced.

written by PleaseStepOnMe
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

If any of you would like to add your stories to this collection, you are welcome to put them as comments to this post.

The trample story can be from years ago during your youth or from something that happened yesterday.  Any type of trample, shoe worship, crushing, barefoot, etc would be an appropriate topic.

Fictional stories are fine – just please mark them as such.  However true experiences, no matter how imperfect they may be, are the preferred stories.

We run this website just for the enjoyment of the trample community and don’t make any money off of it.  As a consequence we can’t provide any payment for stories submitted.  But you can get internet fame and immortality since we’ll publish the story under any name you choose.   Or they can remain anonymous if you’d like.  Whatever you’d prefer.

So please consider leaving a story as a comment.  This site exists to entertain all of us who have this passion so please help out your fellow trample enthusiasts.



Site Administrator

Final Lieke stories 4.5 (22)

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Lieke

I saved my favorite Lieke stories for last. I combined both of them since they are related and the last one is very short. True events contributed by an unknown author many, many years ago.

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

The following week the temperatures in NYC began to plummet and it snowed a couple of days.  Lieke, like most of the women in the office, began wearing boots to work. Except Lieke’s were all designer brands that looked absolutely amazing.

Continue reading “Final Lieke stories 4.5 (22)

Under teacher’s desk 4.6 (37)

Being close to teacher’s shoes wasn’t nearly as fun as he thought it would be

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

When I was age 11 I had a 5th grade teacher that was a total knockout, only a couple of years out of her teacher training.  She used to dress in form-fitting clothes & high heels on most days.  So naturally all of the boys in her class were totally in love with her!

I got along with her well until one day I found out that the punishment for chewing gum in class was to spend the rest of her class under her desk.  So, obviously, I started chewing gum every day.

Continue reading “Under teacher’s desk 4.6 (37)

The Escort 4.8 (47)

To get trampled, a man hires a prostitute.

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

I had thought for several years of hiring an escort to come out to my place and walk on me for an hour. Well that fantasy finally came to reality last week. I called up a service and explained to the female dispatcher what I was looking for. I hoped that she wouldn’t think wanting to be stepped on made me a freak or anything. Before I called, I had the fear she might even hang up on me !

But she said it was fine and that a lot of guys had asked for much more unusual things, which totally put me at ease.

In fact she said that it sounded interesting and she knew one of the girls might be into it ! Which was probably a lie but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The dispatcher would give her my number and she would call me to schedule a time to get together. So at least I got things going (maybe).

Continue reading “The Escort 4.8 (47)

Neck spike 3.8 (16)

Guy gets his women to dig their heels into his neck.

written by Mre6
original source of the story was Daddo's Trample Heaven

My favorite trample before my wife came from this awesome brunette.  Her description – 5′ 7″ , 125lbs, slim figure with a handful of breast.

She had legs that went on forever that showed every definition possible. Perfect hips and ass.  I hated to see her go but I loved to watch her leave! 😉

She would stand on my neck when I was 17.  I had seen a pair of these 4″ sandal type spikes on her one time and knew they were new. The heel was still sharp on the edges. Not too rounded off like a worn pair, just a little.

Continue reading “Neck spike 3.8 (16)