written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source
I had the pleasure of getting my hand flattened at a concert this past weekend.
I was sitting right in front of an attractive women in her early 20’s. She was wearing the tightest little black miniskirt, black stockings and black mary janes with about two inch block heels. Really cute with long brown hair and a slim, petite figure. She was talking to another tiny girl in skinny jeans who was also hot. I assumed the two had come to the show together.
I waited until the main act to make my move. The convention at shows is that everyone stands when the band plays. Everyone that is except for me!! The hot miniskirt girl stood up and I reached my arm around the back of the chair and put my hand down on the cold, hard concrete floor right in front of her.
I ever-so-slowly inched my hand toward her shoe.
A couple of times she barely stepped on my hand with the tip of her shoe. I could tell that she realized she was stepping on something and she kept trying to move away from me. But she couldn’t move very far because the place was absolutely packed!! And, as she moved away, I moved my hand toward her a little more.
As the minutes clicked by, my hand did not get stepped on once. So the night was turning into a big dud. The cutie was trying really hard to avoid stepping on me. I’d guess she was just really nice and didn’t want to accidentally injure me.
As the music played on, however, I did hear her yell to her girlfriend that she couldn’t even dance because of some drunk guy’s hand being there. The friend said to just step on it and then the guy will move his hand.
So, she stepped on my hand with all her might and twisted around a bit and stepped back. I didn’t move my hand an inch. The pain was not bad because she was so slim. And she was not wearing stilettos or something that could cause some damage. The satisfaction I felt after FINALLY getting stepped on totally cancelled out any discomfort I might have felt. Plus the 8 or so beers I had in the parking lot helped as well !
Well over the next minute or two she lightly stepped on and off of my hand several times. I think she was trying to test me and give me a chance to move my had back. Then there was another conversation between the 2 girls. And after a pause I heard the friend say “Just stomp on his fingers. Don’t let some drunk loser ruin the show for you” which made miniskirt girl laugh out loud.
So she just started dancing on my hand with no remorse. I mean totally stomping full weight countless times. With her heels, toes, whatever. Smashing my hand on that hard concrete floor over and over under all her sexy body weight. There was no rug or anything else to cushion the blows from her pounding mary janes. This cute girl just didn’t care at this point. She danced with her friend and stomped on my hand for the rest of the concert. The hand crush lasted at least 40 minutes. Thank goodness she was so light (maybe 100 lbs / 45 kg) or I wouldn’t have been able to endure it.
And even in-between the songs, miniskirt girl would just stand directly on my fingers with all her weight. Just step on me with her block heeled mary janes even though she had enough room to move off. At this point I think it had turned into a “Fuck you. You want to be treated like the floor ? I’ll treat you like the floor.”
The band finally finished, the lights came up and the crowd started moving en masse to the exits. But before I could get my hand up and leave, miniskirt girl stomped on me as hard as she could. She brought her block heel down on my hand twice with all her weight. I mean the stomps were so hard it must have been with her knee up to her chest. Really brutal.
I heard her friend laughing. Then the friend blurted out “Wait, I’ve got higher heels”. And she proceeded to stomp on my hand like four or five times with her black ankle boots that had sharp heels. It hurt so bad it was like someone was hitting my hand with a ball-peen hammer. But both girls were just laughing while the spike heeled girl stomped on my fingers. Then the two hot chicks walked away and disappeared into the crowd.
I sat there for a while and it hurt so bad I couldn’t move my hand. After a minute or two I slowly pulled my arm back to survey the damage, a little afraid at this point.
Well the worst of it was that I now had two black fingernails to remember the show!! And I couldn’t really use that hand very well for a few days. But I was lucky neither girl broke any fingers (which easily could have happened). It was reckless but man, what a thrill.