Got my guts stomped out last night! 6 min read

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source


I got my guts stomped pretty well last night. A girlfriend of mine came back from a bar with me. There was a lot of celebration going on because it was the last day of classes at my college. We don’t sleep together, we’re just good friends. We went into my bedroom to talk and listen to music. She’s about 5’8” 140 pounds.

I asked her to walk on my back for and she responded rather enthusiastically. I placed myself on the floor lying on my stomach. She removed her boots and proceeded to walk all over my back for about ten minutes. When she stepped off, I rolled over onto my back, and she asked me “Was that good enough?” I told her “it felt great” and patted my stomach. “You want me to step on your belly?”, she asked. “I want to see if I can take it”, I responded.

A devilish smirk spread across her face as she placed her right foot atop my abs and quickly stepped up. I let out a bit of grunt, which she found overwhelmingly amusing. She wasted no time walking in place on my stomach, shifting her weight from foot to foot trying to defeat my abdominal strength. “Does it hurt?”, she asked. “No, not at all”, I informed her.

“I want to hear you make more noises”, she announced, and moved up to my chest. Of course I could hold her weight on my chest more easily than I could on my stomach, so after only a couple of minutes of marching in place atop my chest, I guess she decided it was time for some serious barefoot trample torture.

She walked back down to my stomach and placed her feet side by side across my belly. She looked down at me and informed me she was going to start jumping on my stomach. I said ok, and she leapt high into the air, landing with both feet next to each other right in the middle of my stomach.

The impact caused my shoulders to lift off the floor a couple inches and I let out a deep grown as the air was forced from my lungs. She stood there with her feet sinking into my stomach just a little bit laughing hysterically. “You were like OOOFF”, she said as she imitated me, then started laughing again.

“I want to feel my feet sink into your gut.” “Go for it”, I gasped. She leapt again and landed with the same affect. I let out a groan, which incited her laughter. At this point my abs were starting to weaken. She jumped again and landed in the center of my belly. This time she sank into me and I let out deep moan. I lifted my head to see my stomach was being crushed down a good three or four inches, which helped explain the throbbing sensation I was experiencing in my midsection.

She looked down at me and said “Now, I know that hurt. Do you want me to stop?” “I’m fine. You seem to be having fun. You don’t have to stop if you don’t want to”, I responded in a rather faint voice. “You’re right! I am having fun!”, she informed me. With that, she jumped four times without stopping to talk or laugh in between.

I took the first two pretty well, just letting out grunts even though the pain was building. The third one really pounded my already throbbing guts. By the time she landed the forth one, my abdominal muscles had nothing left. Her feet must have stopped sinking about an inch above my spine. I definitely howled a bit from the last impact and she finally stepped down.

Keep in mind that the whole time she was using my belly as a trampoline, she never once actually stepped down off of me until she was done.
When she stepped off of my belly, I held my stomach and rolled onto my side in pain. She asked me, “Would like a minute to rest?”. I gasped out an affirmative yes, but I couldn’t believe she wanted to keep going.

I’ve known this girl for four years, and she is just about the nicest person I’ve ever met. I still can’t comprehend it. If I had know this about her when I first met her I would have had her stomp me through the floor years ago.

Anyway, my minute was up a little earlier than the usual 60 second minute. She rolled me back over onto my back and asked “are you good to go now?” I nodded and smiled to let her know I was ok. “So, your stomach is ok then?”, she asked. I said yes and her left foot raised high above my belly and came crashing down with a stinging impact. The stomp actually stung more than it created a throbbing sensation like the jumping did.

I let out a grunt, and she laughed while shaking her head. She stomped away at my already throbbing guts a few more times, and declared “this really doesn’t do the job like jumping does”. She picks up the folding chair next to my desk and sets it up beside me. Without saying a word to me, she climbs up onto the chair and leaps off. Her feet landed together directly on top of my diaphragm.

I let out a loud gasp followed by a couple whimpers since I could no longer breath. She began laughing hysterically again and announced “We’re going to have to do that one more time!” She climbed up onto the chair again and leapt higher than the last time. The landing was nothing shy of brutal.

Her feet didn’t quite impact at the exact same time. Her right foot landed first on the center of my stomach with all of her weight on that one foot. Her left foot came down on top of my diaphragm again. The penetration of her right foot created a strong sharp pain that turned into a throbbing sensation after half a minute or so.

She stood there for a moment looking at me an said “I honestly don’t know how you just took all that.” She stepped off me and announced “I think you’ve had enough for now. Next time we’ll have to see what happens when I leave my boots on.” After that she went into the bathroom and I rolled over yet again in agony, clutching my stomach.

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One thought on “Got my guts stomped out last night! 6 min read

  1. Nice! To some degree doesn’t this prove being a little more forward and open could get you (us) our dream girl?

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