written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source
This is a true story. When I was 10 years old my brother and I went to the cinema. The place was fairly old but popular so a queue had started to form on the stairs leading up to the ticket window. A lady wearing black high heel leather boots joined the line with her boyfriend. I was making excuses not to join the queue until I could get directly behind her. She was in her early 30’s, quite tall and around 130lbs.
I asked my brother how long till we get in to see the film and he said about 20 minutes. That gave me a reason to sit down on the stairs behind her. I had my coat at such an angle so nobody could see my hand. If the lady in boots felt something and looked down she would think it was only my coat. So I slid my hand across the stair until I could feel her heel.
It seemed as if she was never going to move as she just stood in the same place for what seemed like ages. I started to look around when all of a sudden I felt a searing pain in the nail of my right hand ring finger. She had finally moved her position and placed her heel on my fingernail and just stood there. At first I thought it was ok but then realised she had her weight on both legs. After a couple of minutes she shifted her full weight on to her right leg (the one on my finger) and positioned her left leg out so she was balanced just on the heel.
This is where she stood for about 10 minutes and never moved.
My finger was pinned to the floor and I had no way I could pull it out. I tried but it was not going anywhere. I was trapped and the pain was greater than I had ever experienced before. But the booted woman seemed totally oblivious to my discomfort – she just stood there talking to her boyfriend while my finger was being crushed under her heel. By now my finger had gone numb and I could not feel anything. I again tried to pull my finger out but with no success.
Finally the queue moved forward and she stepped off of my finger. As she lifted her boot my finger stuck to her heel for a second then fell off.
But then the strangest thing happened. She turned back to me, bent down and whispered ‘That will teach you to put your fingers near my boots. But if you want more little boy, sit next to me and I will crush your toes under my heel during the movie.” !
Needless to say I dragged my brother in to the same isle so I could sit next to her.
I slipped off my shoe and my sock and placed my foot next to her heel. When she saw that I was ready she crossed her legs and lifted her heel so I could slid my foot under it. She then stepped on my foot and rocked back onto the heel so her toes were in the air . This was where she stayed for the full length of the film – about two and a half hours.
I was trapped under her heel until the end of the film. Most of the movie she just sat still. Sometimes she’d stomp her foot around a bit. But the worst was when she’d would grind her heel into my toe savagely. I don’t know if she forgot about my foot being under her boot and was treating me just like the floor. Or maybe she would occasionally remember I was beneath her boot and crush my toes on purpose. I’ll never know.
As the film ended she kept her heel on my foot and stood up, keeping all of her weight on that leg and put her coat on. She then rocked back on the heel and twisted brutally and stepped off of my foot. She looked back and blew me a kiss and gave a wink of her eye.
I then limped out of the cinema. I told my brother I had cramp as we walked back to his car.
WOW Can you write all your candid hand/foot trample experiences? please!!