Amateur beauty contest 2 min read

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source


About 4 years ago, my girlfriend at the time and I went out to a club one night to see an amateur beauty contest. We got there a little early so we decided to get something to eat while waiting for the club to fill up. At around 9:00, the contestants were starting to arrive and they went in back to get dressed. The club owner was a friend of my girlfriend, and he asked us if we wanted to go backstage to meet some of the contestants. Being sort of a jealous type she didn’t really want to but agreed to for my sake. We were in this large room with the contestants milling about when one of the bartenders came in, a slick talking guy who seemed to know his way around women.

He began coaching them on how to present themselves, how to walk, chin up, that sort of thing. He told them that a sexy walk was an old trick of the trade. He then asked if any of the girls who were a little unsure of walking in their high heels if they would like to use him as “practice”. He then offered to lie down on the floor and invited any of the contestants to walk on him saying “if you can master walking on an unstable surface like my body then you’ll have it made.” I could feel my face grow hot with envy at the balls that this guy had, and I was wanting so badly to lie down next to him, but my girlfriend would have had a fit. I still regret that night even now because we had split up three weeks later without her even trampling me once!

Four of the girls immediately volunteered to try it, while the others stared in disbelief. Each girl slipped on their spike heels, and one at a time took turns walking on him, giggling the whole time. When the fourth girl was getting ready to step off him, the other five or six contestants were now all too willing to get this “unstable surface” as he called it a try. The sight of these beautiful young women wearing high heels and lining up for a chance to walk on this guy was making me physically ill with envy. The beauty contestants were waiting impatiently for their chance to walk all over him !

Each girl ended up walking on him and a few of the more confident ones began dancing on him, some of the girls returned for a second and third attempt in trying to perform a sexy walk on him. The women all thought he was such a fantastic guy for giving them this opportunity to help them out. How’s that for reverse psychology? That night is burned into my brain as one of the examples of sweet talking your way into trampling!

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