Stealthy ball stomp 4.5 (26)

Attractive young lady indulges a guy’s fantasy a lot more than he bargained for . . .

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

About a week ago I had a rough time in the shopping mall that I normally love to visit.  It’s an upscale place so there are always lots of opportunities to see well dressed women and their beautiful shoes & boots…

I was about to leave when I saw this petite young woman approach one of the clothing stores.  Damn was she cute!  …gray jacket with matching skirt that just barely covered her little bottom.  She had on black leather slingbacks with kitten heels and a little bow on the toe… This girl was so attractive and stylish.  I couldn’t stop thinking what it would be like to have her walk all over me…

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Face crush under the table 4.6 (94)

Curiosity about a mannequin head leads to trouble for a young boy

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Submitted by the author

This incident happened when I was 9 years old.  It’s an absolutely true story and the main reason why I developed my addiction to women’s shoes and trampling.

My aunt and I went to a country house to visit her two friends, Jessica and Margot.  All were attractive women in their 30’s who were dressed up quite nicely for each other (including high heeled shoes).

Several hours went into preparing for dinner, drinking wine and a couple of cigarette breaks by the women outside.  By 10 pm the meal was complete and the table was covered with a tablecloth and various dishes. While we were having dinner and while the food was delicious, I had to listen to their boring stories, mostly about men.

During the conversation, Margot said: “Oh, I hit something with my foot” and lifted the tablecloth to look at it. Everybody, including me, looked under the table. “Oh my God, it’s a head!” said Margot.

“Don’t be scared”, Jessica said, “it’s from a mannequin. The previous owner of this place was a professor who taught at the regional  medical school so it has been in this house for a long time.  I just haven’t gotten around to throwing it away yet.”  “You can use it as a footstool if you want because I do from time to time.  I like to pretend it’s my ex-husband’s head.  That’s why I like to wear heels when I do !” Jessica joked and all the women laughed.

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Four cousins at the party 4.7 (53)

boy gets trampled by his 4 young cousins all wearing heels

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

When I was young I remember a big celebration at our house.  The entire extended family was there including my aunt Juniper along with several of my female cousins.   The young girls were all wearing party dresses and little girl high heels.  I found out later they were called kitten heels and were only a few cm (1-2 inches) tall but came down to a tiny point (like a stiletto).

I was not allowed at the activities because because I was on restriction.  Earlier that day I scratched my father’s car with my bicycle. I was angry because it was just an accident and I felt I was unfairly punished. So I was resentful, lying on my belly on the carpet in dining room and playing with some toys on the floor by myself. In the room there were two of my cousins (who had previously stepped on me and used me as a ladder) who were talking to my aunt Juniper.

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She must have known . . . 3.9 (24)

beautiful schoolgirl routinely tramples boy’s schoolwork with her cute shoes

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

In secondary school one year there was a very attractive young woman who sat behind me every day during my first class.  She had gorgeous long red hair and skin as fair as a cup of cream.  Me and every other guy at the school fancied her.  But I think my interests were a little bit different than most . . .

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Foot stepped on during cave tour 4.1 (9)

man gets his foot stepped on multiple times by an Oriental lady wearing kitten heels

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

One summer during my vacation my girlfriend and I went to Saquoia National Park in California. At the park is a large cave called Crystal Cave of which we decided to go. I had been to this cave a few years earlier so I knew what to expect from the tour. As we descended down to the cave opening (by the way this is a guided tour) I noticed an oriental lady near us wearing shoes with a 1 1/2″ spike heel. Not the sort of thing one would wear to a cave. I decided to stay close to her dragging my girlfriend unknowingly with me.

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Chair hand-grab rail 4.7 (11)

High school girl knowingly crushes a guy’s hand every day in class

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source

In high school I always made sure I sat in front of an attractive girl whenever I could. Our desks had wireframe bottoms and I would bring a coat to school every day, even in warm weather. Then I would drape the coat over the back of the seat. For some reason, most of the girls at my high school loved to prop their feet up in the rear bottom of the desks in front of them.

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