We want your stories ! 1 min read

written by PleaseStepOnMe
original source of the story was Submitted by the author


This site is run by trample enthusiasts for trample enthusiasts.  The more stories we can share, the more fun it is for all of us.  So please consider sharing a story or two of your past so that others can enjoy it as well.

Leave it as a comment in this thread and it can be published anonymously.

True experiences always get the most upvotes, no matter how mild they might have been.  Also it’s best if everyone in the story is over 18 years of age.

So if you enjoy reading material here, please take a few minutes and contribute something from your past.

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35 thoughts on “We want your stories ! 1 min read

    1. Thanks for the great link. It’s fun to take stories from long dead sites and give them new life.

      I’ll incorporate these on a regular basis going forward.


      1. Whenever you click a sublink you have to replace the link’s %20’s with +’s instead. It’s easier to right click and copy to edit directly.

    2. I looked on this list for stories that I read more than 10 years ago but I couldn’t find them, there was one about a babysitter who massages the face using her foot, something like that, for me this was the best story I’ve ever read, but unfortunately I didn’t find it.

    3. Wow, I actually came to the comments to suggest using the internet archive to access tramplestories.org’s old save state too! Several stories from there are already here, but there are dozens of old stories there I’ve never seen anywhere else.

      Worth noting be sure you only replace %20 and not if it’s another number. A lot of punctuation in titles is represented that way. %20 would represent a space and that’s the one that’s bugged but others work correctly.

    4. I tried accessing the link and changed the %20 with + to but it is giving me the error


      The Wayback Machine has not archived that URL.

      This page is unavailable for archiving. The server returned code:

      because page does not exist

    1. Leave a comment. Have author as whatever name you want. If you want a source / link, I’ll put it at the end of the story.

      I’ll publish however you want it.

  1. For me, the best stories are the early ones, with the cousin, teacher and especially the nanny. Anyone who has stories like this would love to read them.

  2. Hiya, just a quick thank you for the excellent update. Great stories to keep the fetish alive and this has got to be my favourite forum and I check it everyday.

      1. Don’t save stories friend, you can publish whenever you want as quickly as possible. Just kidding, I understand, but know that I appreciate your work and this site is incredible, may there be more stories feeding it. Thank you for everything.

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