Perfectly Mean (True story) 7 min read

written by Unknown author
original source of the story was Unknown source


I was coming back from a vacation and I was sitting on the bus. This was an 8 hour long ride back home. As it was pretty empty, I sat down in a place where there are 2 chairs facing each other (more leg space as I’m 196cm, 6-5).  A very attractive girl (let’s call her Roxi for anonymity purposes) with blonde hair, glasses and a very mean vibe sat across from me.

She had some combat boots on and I admit, I might have exaggerated with looking at them but if anyone with my fetishes was in my position, they’d have done the same. So she placed her boots on the chair in front of her and crossed her legs. She then started listening to music and I couldn’t keep my eyes off. I mean I did. But every now and then I’d take a peek. She did catch me a few times but didn’t say anything.

As the bus started to fill up a little, people went in the back and after 3 or 4 people went inside, the bus closed and departed. This was an empty ride. As the bus driver stopped to fill up some gas, he walked back to where we were sitting and told Roxi to take her shoes off the chair or she’ll get kicked out.

So then she says “what if I put them on this guy?” And points to me. The bus driver says “ I don’t care as long as you keep those dirty boots off of my chairs.” So she just proceeds to put her boots on me and with a mean smirk says “Thanks”. The bus driver left and I couldn’t speak. I was literally hard as a rock.

She began to move her legs around and didn’t even pay attention to my reaction. Then the bus departed again, this time for a longer ride. The next break would be in 3 to 4 hours. At some point she just looks at me and asks “Would you be a gentleman and take my shoes off?” I asked her “are you gonna put your legs on the chair again?” So she looks at me, smirks and says “do you want me to?” And of course I didn’t want her too so I said “well not really, me and your shoes have bonded so well” and she laughed at that.

Then she says “I saw the way you look at them, I’ve seen it before. You wanna feel & lick them, don’t you?” And of course I did, but I was ashamed. So I didn’t say anything. She just lifted her leg up and said “ come on all the other passengers are sleeping. This will be our little secret.”

So I did. I licked them clean and she just kept staring at me, laughing and smiling the entire time. When I was done with the first one she said “get under my chair” I protested because I wasn’t gonna fit in there. So she just spat on the ground and told me to lick it up. When I got down to lick it up, she said “stay there and start on the second one”

I licked the shoes so clean, I could see myself in them. Every time I needed to wet my tongue again, she grabbed my face and spat in my mouth. Then she says “kneel here” while pointing at the space between the chairs. I was kneeling and I was just as tall as her while she was sitting. So then she tells me to take off her boots slowly. I do just that, and reveal her black Nike socks who were so sweaty they were sparkling.

After I took the first one off she took the boot from my hand and told me to open my mouth. Every piece of dirt I missed on the sole, she made me eat. After being done with the first, the second was the same, although not as much dirt on this one. Then she placed both her feet on my face and said “enjoy” I was in literal heaven. Her feet smelled amazing.

When she moved her feet and I accidentally opened my eyes I saw that she was filming. I freaked out and asked to please delete it. She then told me “only if you give me this kind of treatment the entire bus ride.” I agreed and she deleted it. Then when she got bored of me smelling her feet, she said “alright enough of that, take the socks off.” And so I did. She had perfect feet. Black nail polish and a toe ring.

She made me take both her socks off and then she stuffed them in my mouth. She put her bare feet on my face for around 5 to 10 min and then I heard someone coming, I wanted to stop but then she said “don’t worry about it, you stop when I tell you to stop.” So I kept going. Luckily the person didn’t come this far. I don’t know what she did, but I was safe.

She took the socks out of my mouth with her feet and dropped them on my lap, she told me to stick out my tongue and started moving her foot back and forth on my tongue while saying “god this feels amazing I really needed this”. I had to re-wet my tongue so I put it back in my mouth. She slapped me across the face and said “I decide when and if you’re gonna put your tongue back in, but since you wanna re-wet it, let me help you.” She proceeded to spit in my mouth and tell me to keep going.

Now we were aloud to smoke on the bus because it had some windows you could open for the smoke to get out. She lit herself a cigarette and asked “where are the ashtrays” I didn’t answer because I thought I wasn’t allowed to speak unless given permission. So I just kept licking her feet. She took her foot back and then kicked me in the face with it.

“So you don’t wanna answer? Fine I’ll use you as my ashtray. Open your filthy mouth” and so I did. She ashed in my mouth and spat in it after. The taste was awful. But it was perfect. She put out her cigarette on my neck and I didn’t flinch. She made me swallow the rest of the cigarette and told me to keep going.

After 15 more minutes she wanted to go to the toilet. She told me and I tried to put her shoes back on but she already left. She came back after 5 min and said “hey I have some good news for you” and showed me her very dirty feet. “You get to lick them clean again” and so I did. I licked everything while she was smoking and ashing in my mouth, occasionally spitting on me and kicking me in the face.

When we stopped after the first time I had to go to the bathroom and left her alone for a short period of time. She proceeded to go out BAREFOOT to smoke a cigarette and step on all the ashes and dirt there was in the gas station. When we got back inside and the bus departed again, I licked her feet clean a third time.

She was enjoying herself just as much as me. This continued for a couple of hours until we got to our destination. When we were close she told me that’s enough and asked me my name. Then we got to talking a little. When we arrived I had my car waiting for me where I left it. She asked me to give her a ride and I said “of course, where to?” To my surprise she said “your place” Anyway we had some extremely good sex.

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