written by StompedAllOver
original source of the story was Submitted by the author
After being softened up by Erin’s Uggs, my face was instantly on fire as the brutal treads of Leanne’s Doc Martins marched and bounced to the beat. In total darkness, under her treads and with my hands still pinned under Alina and Riah I tried to get into the zone and just suffer through it. I lost track of how many tunes Leanne stayed on my face for but it was either 5 or 6. When she finally stepped onto my chest I felt the pressure on my right hand lighten as Alina stepped from my hand straight onto my face. A second later Leanne’s boot stomped down hard on my hand. Erin stepped off my cock onto my left arm pinning it and Riah stepped up onto my cock. The whole motion took them only a couple of seconds from Leanne stepping off my face to them all having changed places and it dawned on me that this punishment was not going to end soon. Continue reading “University Life Part 11 “